Monday, September 18, 2006

Kentucky Wood Expo

I traveled to Madisonville, KY for the KY. Wood Expo Sept. 15-16. The weather was perfect, the turnout was great and most important, I met a lot of new people. I shared a booth with Patterson Supply, Precision Husky and Cutting Systems Inc. They made the whole trip worth while! It was a great bunch of guys! Wayne Kaylor from Cutting Systems taught me how to run a 245 XL Knuckle Boom Loader. I wish I would have had my camera with me!
Sunday we had a family gathering since my great uncle was in town. After dinner, all the men uncrated the pallet stacker fork lift and pushed it off of the pallet. Of course I was there with my cameral. I'm looking forward to using it the next time a semi comes. It looks like I'll be using it next week for a big order!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

61st Annual Lake States Logging Congress in Green Bay, WI

Sept. 7-9 CryoPlus had a display at the Lake States Logging Congress. The locations was perfect-next to Lambeau Field-home of the Green Bay Packers. It was a fantastic show with a huge crowd- all interested in cryo treating their chains, chainsaw bars, planer and chipper knives! The reason for industry shows is to learn of new products in the industry. In the booth next to CryoPlus was Tom Millerwise from Cold Fire. He sold an environmentally friendly fire extinguishing agent that removes heat and the hydrocarbon fuel source from the fire triangle. It's non toxic, biodegradable, non slip, non corrosive and has indefinite shelf life. It prevents reignition, extinguishes on contact and extinguishes Class D fires. It also reduced sap build up on chain saw blades and reduces warpage due to heat. His email is It was a facinating product! Between the both of us, we had quite a crowd around our booths! That always makes for an enjoyable show!